This is the on-line guidebook for computing resources for general use within the School of Computer Science at the University of Windsor.
Here you will find documentation showing you how to use the various tools available to you for your course work, research work, administrative work, or personal development.
Attention all students! We're inviting you to contribute by writing a how-to article. Share your knowledge and expertise with the community! The best submissions will receive an incentive. Start writing today!
Please send your submissions to accounts@cs.uwindsor.ca
All use of these facilities is subject to the University of Windsor Bylaws and Policies, in particular, you should become familiar with the Acceptable Use Policy under the IT Services Quick Link.
If you have any questions or problems using these resources, please get in touch with one of the technical support staff:
If you have questions or problems with this Web site's content, please contact the CS Technical Staff.
Please review the Passwords article containing important information about your CS and CAMPUS passwords.